If you are in the trade since little time, perhaps you have not yet understood how harmful it can be to your business.

If you’ve been in the trade for a long time and you have not realized yet, it’s probably the reason you’re earning little or nothing.


After all, in every course, is provided a whole series of so-called copy / paste tools to be used to make money immediately, often advertised grandly by the author to convince you to buy. You do not have to do almost anything: just replace his/her name with yours and it’s all ready.

It’s a pity that it does not help you to make money, it will certainly save you time, but the gain is something else. And here we do not talk about earning, they talk about it, namely the cunning authors who want your money at any cost and do not care about what they are selling.

Unfortunately, here we talk about losses.

And not just money.

But also of reputation. Your reputation, however, not theirs.

Today I give you an alternative point of view to what is continuously and increasingly fiercely presented as a “must have” for every multimedia product that claims respect without having the right to it.

They are called templates and are sold to be the keystone of your business: it is simply email or pre-built content, all the same, ready to be used as a post on social networks or uploaded to your autoresponder. You just have to put your name as your signature, your web address in the footer and put them on the web.

Some of these, if you’re lucky, are well done: they have a well-constructed structure, a logical thread, a complex story, an impeccable syntax, an effective copywriting, a catchy title, a clear call to action and a synthetic p.s.


And all well done, sometimes, I recognize it.

In the sales page is usually the bonus par excellence: “buy this and in addition I give you even templates ready, you do not have to do anything and earn”. After all, the hard work has already done by the author for you, who knows how much he will have spent on copywriting.


But he’s someone who knows, maybe he did them all. Alone. It will have taken lots of time, but now I can take everything for free, templates are bonus to the main product, right?


These are just things that damage you.

Especially if used just the way they are advertised.

That is bad.

In other words, they are just bait and switch to induce you to buy with the chimera of “earn money without doing anything”.

Think about it: if all the affiliates of a web guru promote their own product with the same words, the same title, the same posts, the same story, what will be the difference?


In fact, the drama is that YOU have to make the difference. With your style, your words, your images, your reflections, your stories, your intuitions.



Of course it’s a big job that you have to do and nobody tell you when you want to sell something, but how you can pretend that your audience (fans, followers, members, etc. ..) have good opinion and respect of you, but, above all, remember you if you use the exact same words of million others in the trade?

And if you have made your own product and you do not have any templates as a bonus? Oh no, you must have them because if you do not put them in your product you look like a chronic loser.

Then people do not buy.

But have you ever wondered what will people, who buy your products, think if he (il guru?) finally starve? If, instead of making money with your products, he loses money and stop?

Who will complain about? Who will say badly to anyone who cames to shot?

You, of course.

So how do you get out of it?

We analyze the thing from two points of view, of the buyer and the seller, as they are very distant from each other.

If you are a buyer and you have just started to throw yourself into the fray the expectations are very high and the returns will be very low. Not bad, we all went through it. But there is one thing you absolutely have to do when you are faced with a pre-built templates created by another: understanding the basic structure and redoing it in your own words by adding your personal essence.

Put your soul in it.

And bring out something new that is immediately recognizable by your fans. If you have left the original template structure intact, you will get better results than any other affiliate because it will be different from all the others and the “reworked” copywriting will be more effective.

Because you’re in it, not an empty scheme made by others.

If you are a buyer but you have been in the trade for some time and you still do not earn anything, you’ve just discovered at least one of the main reasons: you’re as everyone else.

You are nobody.

The previous rule applies to you too.

And if you’re a seller, what can you do?

Well, here there are two possibilities: either you do not put them (which, among other things, would be less work to do) or add templates to your product, but you specify immediately in your sales page that are not to be used as copy / paste, but as guidelines to direct your affiliates on the right track.

If you have been following me for a while you will certainly know that I have chosen this second possibility.

Are you afraid that sales will be affected by doing so?


I give you two different reasons.

First because if there was someone who buys your product really thinking of not having to do anything to make money, for my experience, is a person who will create problems. Believe me, I know something more than most other people about this. So, better not to have them right on the list.

Secondly, because all those who have bought from you will already know, before clicking “buy now”, that you are a correct person up to the bone. They will have more confidence in you instinctively. After all , if you have bought something from me you’ll surely know because you’ve tried it in person, living it on your skin.

If you use copying as a strategy for your business, know that you will not go on long: if you are not immediately recognizable by your public, you will not succeed in this field and, even assuming that you can earn something, you will not do it long.

I warned you.

If you are interested click the button at the top of this page and we will stay in touch from now, if you find me boring or useless, you can also send me to hell and you will not receive any further communication from me.

The choice is yours.


Gabriel De Florio

Gabriel De Florio