Almost three months ago, on March 13th, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp unexpectedly had a total block of their functions. I would say it’s time to take stock of the situation.
Telegram, the main opposing platform of Mark Zuckerberg’s group, has gained over three million users in one day and an unspecified, but very high number of marketers from all over the planet has lost an avalanche of money.
I say it clear: I am proud of NOT being among them.
Yet I know too many people in the industry who still complain about this disservice.
But what really happened?
It is very simple: the facebook’s virtual sun blackout has made it impossible for most of those who advertise online to be seen. And that’s because almost everyone out there uses Zuckerberg’s platforms exclusively for their marketing strategy.
Leaving aside what really matters.
Because it seems that using social media you can do everything easier and faster than the “old school”. Too bad it’s not like that and the March blackout was yet another proof.
Mind you, I don’t want to say that fb & co are not a great chance to get noticed, in fact this is something I confirm with absolute certainty.
But you can’t just rely on a tool owned by someone else for your business. And this is the fundamental difference that still nobody wants to understand: the difference between tool and asset.
I have my list of people interested in what I say (and I sell) that no one can ever block or render useless and use facebook, instagram and whatsapp as tools to make my asset grow. All this not to mention that I have never limited myself to a single source of traffic in my life.
If the tool, whatever it is, is KO, not only will I have so many others available, but I can always count on my property asset. And that is what must be nurtured properly and continuously. Because it’s from there that I take out the money.
And this applies to you too.